haku: @indexterm Money markets / yhteensä: 577
viite: 61 / 577
Tekijä:Hu, Xiaoping
Liao, Chongrong
Otsikko:Models for offshore financial market and China's option (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics (c)
1997 : 6, p.36-39
Tiivistelmä:Offshore financial market is also called Euro money market or offshore market. It refers to the international money market offering nonresidents offshore financial service, for which the host countries have the specific standards and demands. The models for offshore financial market mainly include the following types--integration of money markets within and without the boundaries, separation of money market within the boundaries from that without the boundaries, book keeping and "seepage" which means a channel for domestic enterprises to use the foreign funds in the offshore account. China should take the model mainly based on separation of money market within the boundaries from that without the boundaries, supplemented by "seepage" it has such characteristics as being loose and safe and so on.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 176112
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