haku: @indexterm CONFLICT / yhteensä: 578
viite: 28 / 578
Tekijä:Fort, T.L. (ed.)
Otsikko:Peace through commerce: A multisectoral approach
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2009 : VOL. 89: SUPPL. 4, p. 347-350
Vapaa asiasana:business
Tiivistelmä:This introductory presents this Special issue on 'Peace through commerce' with the following articles:
"Business and peace: sketching the terrain" by J. Oetzel (et al.) ;
"MNE strategic intervention in violent conflict: variations based on conflict characteristics" by K.A. Getz and J. Oetzel ;
"Peaceful warriors: private military security companies and the quest for stable societies" by D. Mayer ;
"The Kimberley process certification scheme: an innovation in global governance and conflict prevention" by V. Haufler ;
"Institutionalizing peace through commerce: engagement or divestment in South African and Sudan" by M. Westermann-Behaylo ;
"Investing in peace: the motivational dynamics of diaspora investment in post-conflict economies" by T.M. Nielsen and L. Riddle ;
"Locating peace through commerce in good global governance" by J. Forrer ;
"Corporate responsibility standards: current implications and future possibilities for peace through commerce" by C.P. Koerber ;
"Building peace in fragile states - building trust is essential for effective public-private partnerships" by I. Abramov ;
"Dynamic capabilities and base of the pyramid business strategies" by P. Tashman and V. Marano ;
"New convergences in poverty reduction, conflict, and state fragility: what business should know" by B. Penh ;
"Peace through access to entrepreneurial capitalism for all" by M. Strong ;
"Complementary alternative benefits to promote peace" by N.D. Bishara and C.A. Schipani ;
"Peace through tourism: the birthing of a new socio-economic order" by L. D'amore ;
"Peace through tourism: commerce based principles and practices" by S:E. L.evy and D.E. Hawkins ;
"Sports commerce and peace: the special case of the special Olympics" by G. Smith, A. Cahn and S. Ford ;
"From scholarly dialogue to social movement: considerations and implications for peace through commerce" by M. Lavine .
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274833
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