haku: @journal_id 432 / yhteensä: 58
viite: 14 / 58
Tekijä:Lindsey, J.
Otsikko:Fitting parametric counting processes by using log-linear models
Lehti:Applied Statistics
1995 : VOL. 44:2, p. 201-212
Tiivistelmä:Counting processes constitute a means of describing how and when a series of events occurs to individuals. The risk or intensity of events, which may vary over time, can depend on any aspects of the previous history of the individual. Standard log-linear regression modelling techniques are used to choose from the explanatory variables those which are appropriate to describe this dependence on the past. Details are given on how to set up such repeated measurements of duration among events as log-linear models.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 128714
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