haku: @indexterm management control / yhteensä: 580
viite: 28 / 580
Tekijä:Frenkel, S.J.
Sanders, K.
Otsikko:Explaining variations in co-worker assistance in organizations
Lehti:Organization Studies
2007 : VOL. 28:6, p. 797-823
Asiasana:management control
organizational commitment
individual behaviour
public sector
Tiivistelmä:Lateral (here as: lat.) processes in organizations have added significance when working in flattened hierarchies and networked organizations. Co-worker assistance (as: co-wrk-astce.) refers to a key aspect of lat. relations: workers' helping behaviour of their immediate colleagues. Based on data from a Dutch survey of public sector and related service employees, a model of co-wrk-astce. is developed and tested. It is argued that reciprocity facilitates management-induced co-wrk-astce., depending on the extent of workers' organizational commitment (as: org-comm.) which is influenced by the way of control exercised by management. Among others, evidence is found for org-comm. acting as a partial mediator btw. co-wrk-astce. and bureaucratic control, co-worker control, and facilitative supervision respectively.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264008
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