haku: @indexterm TOOLS / yhteensä: 59
viite: 11 / 59
Tekijä:Godet, M.
Otsikko:The art of Scenarios and strategic planning: tools and pitfalls
Lehti:Technological forecasting and social change
2000 : SEP, VOL. 65:1, p. 3-22
Tiivistelmä:The term strategy has been misused and even abused. Worse, the word scenario is often confused with strategy to the point that clarification is needed if we are to understand one another. As a prolongation of the work done by the Rand Corporation in 1960s, strategic planning, management and prospective approaches have been developed to help organizations master change. Over the past 25 years, we have contributed by creating or further developing various methodologies and procedures such as the Mactor and MICMAC methods for use in scenario building.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 220223
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