haku: @author Claycomb, C. / yhteensä: 6
viite: 2 / 6
Tekijä:Dröge, C.
Claycomb, C.
Germain, R.
Otsikko:Does knowledge mediate the effect of context on performance? Some initial evidence
Lehti:Decision Sciences
2003 : SUMMER, VOL. 34:3, p. 541-568
Asiasana:Financial performance
Vapaa asiasana:Content
Tiivistelmä:The links among four company contect variables, knowledge and financial performance are examined in this research. Adopting a knowledge-based, contingency view of the company and assuming that strategy's locus is knowledge creation and application, it is hypothesized that knowledge completely mediates the effects of context on performance. The results from analyzing 208 manufacturers found a positive relationship between applied knowledge and financial performance, but none between knowledge creation and performance.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254786
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