haku: @freeterm Content analysis / yhteensä: 6
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Tekijä:Castaldo, S.
Premazzi, K.
Zerbibi, F.
Otsikko:The meaning(s) of trust. A content analysis on the diverse conceptualizations of trust in scholarly research on business relationships
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2010 : NOV I, VOL. 96:4, p. 657-668
Vapaa asiasana:business relationships
content analysis
network analysis
Tiivistelmä:This article presents an extensive review and analysis of the most prominent articles on trust in market relationships. Using computer-aided content analysis and network analysis methods, idenfied are key recurring dimensions guiding the conceptualization of trust in past research. It is shown how trust can be developed as a multifaceted and layered construct. These results are an important contribution to a convergence of research toward a shared and common view of the meaning of trust etc.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274054
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