haku: @journal_id 3176 / yhteensä: 60
viite: 59 / 60
Tekijä:Bettio, F.
Plantenga, J.
Otsikko:Comparing care regimes in Europe
Lehti:Feminist economics
2004 : MAR, VOL. 10:1, p. 85-113
Old people
Social policy
Tiivistelmä:Throughout Europe, the family is still an important provider of care, but welfare state policies of individual countries may support and/or supplement the family in different social and economic outcomes. Care strategies for children and elderly persons are compared and categorized in different member states of the European Union, while also taking into account the varied modalities for providing care, like leave arrangements, financial provisions and social services.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254243
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