haku: @indexterm Intra-industry trade / yhteensä: 61
viite: 7 / 61
Tekijä:Siggelkow, N.
Otsikko:Why focus? A study of intra-industry focus effects
Lehti:Journal of Industrial Economics
2003 : JUN, VOL. 51:2, p. 121-150
Asiasana:Intra-industry trade
Unit trusts
Vapaa asiasana:Focus
Tiivistelmä:Company-focus is found to be positively correlated with the ability of companies to produce high-value products in an intra-industry setting, while the overall effect of focus on company performance is negative due to missed demand externalities generated by a broad product offering. It is shown that U.S. mutual funds that belong to more focused fund providers outperform similar funds offered by more diversified providers.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 250877
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