haku: @indexterm TRAVEL AGENTS / yhteensä: 61
viite: 22 / 61
Tekijä:Lovelock, B.
Otsikko:New Zealand travel agent practice in the provision of advice for travel to risky destinations
Lehti:Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
2003 : VOL. 15:4, p. 259-279
Asiasana:Tourist industry
Travel agents
Decision making
Risk management
New Zealand
Tiivistelmä:Travel safety, while looming large in the thoughts of the general travelling public, may not be a high priority function fot travel agents. This paper reports on research undertaken into the attitudes and behaviours of travel agents in New Zealand. A nationwide survey attempts to discern the personal and employment related characteristics of travel agents that may be important influences upon agents' perceptions of destination risk, and on their behaviour in terms of selling products for "risky" destinations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253635
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