haku: @indexterm Intra-industry trade / yhteensä: 61
viite: 4 / 61
Tekijä:Greaney, T.M.
Otsikko:Reverse importing and asymmetric trade and FDI: a networks explanation
Lehti:Journal of International Economics
2003 : DEC, VOL. 61:2, p. 453-465
Asiasana:Foreign investment
Intra-industry trade
Multinational companies
Tiivistelmä:The impact of business and social networks are considered on international trade and FDI. It is proposed that differences in the strength of network effects across countries can produce asymmetric trade and investment flows that may lead to trade friction. A company from a country with strong network effects has a cost advantage in selling to buyers from its own country. This advantage results in lower inward FDI, lower total imports but larger volumes of reverse imports into the country with strong network effects.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 256226
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