haku: @indexterm attitudes / yhteensä: 611
viite: 39 / 611
Tekijä:Peterson, R.A. (et al.)
Otsikko:Effects of nationality, gender, and religiosity on business-related ethicality
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2010 : NOV I, VOL. 96:4, p. 573-587
Asiasana:business ethics
Vapaa asiasana:nationality
Tiivistelmä:Based on survey responses from more than 6300 business students attending 120 colleges and universities in 36 countries, this article reports on the relationship btw. nationality and business-related (henceforth as: b-r.) ethicality (as: ethl-y.). Two well-documented determinants of business ethics, that is, gender and religiosity, are explored as moderators of the nationality-business (as: n-b.) ethl-y. relationship. The key finding is that, while statistically significant differences were found btw. the b-r. ethl-y. of American survey participants and the b-r. ethl-y. of the non-American survey participants, the magnitudes of the differences are not substantial. It is suggested that i. more empirical cross-cultural/national research is needed on b-r. ethl-y. ethicality, and ii. previous explanations for cross-cultural/national differences in ethics need to be reconsidered before further generalizations are entitled.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274037
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