haku: @indexterm airlines / yhteensä: 619
viite: 118 / 619
Tekijä:Vowles, T.M.
Mertens, D.P.
Otsikko:Airport niche marketing: Sanfird, Florida's rise as an international gateway
Lehti:Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
2004 : VOL. 17:4, p. 35-44
Marketing strategy
Tiivistelmä:Airport of Sanford, Florida, has taken an airport marketing strategy in which they attract charter- and international airlines to serve their airport. This article examines the effectiveness of this strategy by exploring enplanement numbers during the 1995-2001 period and comparing the growth of Sanford to that of nearby Orlando International Airport. Market-by-market effects are determined by examining four shared markets in the United Kingdom and it is concluded that Sanford airport has succeeded in attracting international charter carriers.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258017
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