haku: @indexterm MARKETING SYSTEMS / yhteensä: 62
viite: 25 / 62
Tekijä:Wang, Yun
Otsikko:Rational relations in construction of market: distribution gradation and structure (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Reformation of economic system (c)
1993 : 1, p.93-97
Tiivistelmä:Generally speaking, the rational market space layout should be suitable to the total supply and demand of commodities within the area, to the degree of development of the market economy and to the layout of productive forces. To rationalize the market levels, market levels with combination of large, medium and small crisscross networks should be set up with as the center some large-size wholesale and retail businesses and goods and materials trade groups of high degree of modernization. The urgent task for the rationalization of the market structure is to make the development of various key element market adapt to that of the commodity market and to form an overall effect of the market system.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 110646
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