haku: @indexterm Efficiency / yhteensä: 625
viite: 18 / 625
Tekijä:Moore, M.T.
Reberioux, A.
Otsikko:Revitalizing the institutional roots of Anglo-American corporate governance
Lehti:Economy and Society
2011 : FEB, VOL. 40:1, p. 84-111
Asiasana:corporate governance
stock markets
agency theory
work involvement
Tiivistelmä:The topic of corporate governance (henceforth as: c-g.) has got an increasingly high-profile aspect of social-scientific scholarship during the last 30 years. According to the agency theory, the key problem of c-g. is the question of how to minimize the harmful consequences of the separation of ownership and control within public companies, first identified by Berle and Means (1932), by reference to competitive market pressures coupled with market-based incentive and disciplinary mechanisms. This article presents an alternative interpretation of the c-g. problem premised on the logic and language of institution rather than the market. This is argued to be both more empirically relevant and conceptually defensible compared to the dominant agency paradigm. This study relies on some fundamental and longstanding doctrines of Anglo-American corporate law and recent developments in the economic theory of the firm.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272204
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