haku: @indexterm computer industry / yhteensä: 632
viite: 74 / 632
Tekijä:Moore, J.
Reinhardt, A.
Otsikko:Living with Intel
Lehti:Business Week
1997 : JAN 20, VOL. 3494:824, p. 24-25
Tiivistelmä:How Taiwan's motherboard makers survived an attack. Intel will pummel us. That was the scary feeling at many of Taiwan's electronics firms in 1995, when executives there learned some startling news. Mighty Intel Corp. planned to add to its near monopoly in microprocessors by making motherboards as well. Motherboards are the guts of a personal computer, and Taiwan companies had achieved dominance of this sector by building highly customized boards at low cost. But if Intel planned to muscle in on the business, how would the Taiwanese fare?
SCIMA tietueen numero: 158609
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