haku: @indexterm computer industry / yhteensä: 632
viite: 68 / 632
Tekijä:Dos Santos, B.
Kuzmits, F.
Otsikko:The internet: a key tool for today's human resource professional
Lehti:SAM Advanced Management Journal
1997 : SPRING, VOL. 62:2, p. 33-39
Tiivistelmä:The Internet, a worldwide network of an estimated 13 million interconnected computers, is growing at an incredible pace. Matrix Information and Directory Services, Inc., a publisher of three Internet periodicals, estimates that over 55 million people around the world use the Internet and that this number is growing rapidly as more hosts are added to the Net. At this rate, by the year 2000, well over 100 million households will have access to the Internet and over 50% of all business will have a presence on it.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 160774
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