haku: @indexterm market structure / yhteensä: 636
viite: 19 / 636
Tekijä:Mirza, D.
Otsikko:How much does trade contribute to market structure?
2006 : FEB, VOL. 73:289, p. 59-74
Asiasana:international trade
market structure
impact assessment
Tiivistelmä:In general, there are no firm-level data available among foreign sellers to enable researchers to compute market concentration (here as: cntrn.) in open markets, and especially trade's contribution (as: contr.) to this cntrn. This study implements a theory-based view from a generalized Brander-Krugman framework for estimating foreign contr. to market cntrn., using industrial trade and activity data. The results suggest a foreign contr. to cntrn. of around 30 to 50 percent for small European economies and 20 to 30 percent for larger European countries. Market structure is less affected by openness in the USA and Japan. There is included information of 14 countries on 'estimated log of concentration to exports', on 'foreign contribution to market concentration', on 'estimated foreign contribution by country, industry and year', on 'average import penetration, 1984-1994', on 'import penetration vs. foreign contribution', and on estimated freight costs as percentage of imports'.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 265100
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