haku: @indexterm international marketing / yhteensä: 640
viite: 61 / 640
Tekijä:Solberg, C. A.
Otsikko:Standardization or adaptation of the international marketing mix: the role of the local subsidiary/representative
Lehti:Journal of international marketing
2000 : VOL. 8:1, p. 78-98
Asiasana:International marketing
Consumer expectations
Marketing strategy
Vapaa asiasana:Customization
Tiivistelmä:The author suggests that the standardization versus customization isssue in international marketing has important organizational aspects that are often neglected in the literature. He parts from the traditional culture and economies of scale approahes by introducing a taxonomy of international marketing organizations based on headquarters versus subsudiary decision power and on market knowledge at headquarters.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 223111
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