haku: @journal_id 577 / yhteensä: 643
viite: 16 / 643
Tekijä:Sari, N.
Otsikko:Efficiency outcomes of market concentration and managed care
Lehti:International Journal of Industrial Organization
2003 : DEC, VOL. 21:10, p. 1571-1589
Cost effectiveness
Stochastic processes
Tiivistelmä:The author examines how hospital cost efficiency has reacted to extensive horizontal integrations of hospitals and rapid growth of managed care in the US health care industry. Cost efficiency is estimated by using panel data approaches to relax the assumptions for the hospital effects imposed in earlier studies. The paper shows that higher managed care penetration over time is associated with greater hospital efficiency, and higher market concentration is positively associated with efficiency when markets are highly competitive or highly concentrated.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 252902
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