haku: @indexterm marketing research / yhteensä: 648
viite: 33 / 648
Tekijä:Driesener, C.
Romaniuk, J.
Otsikko:Comparing methods of brand image measurement
Lehti:International Journal of Market Research
2006 : VOL. 48:6, p. 681-698
Asiasana:marketing research
consumer attitudes
consumer behaviour
brand choice
Tiivistelmä:In this study, compared are rating, ranking and 'pick-any' measures of brand image associations. Confirmed are past findings that the three measures (here as: 3 msrs.) are highly correlated at brand level (average corr. of 0.90). Based on individual (here as: ind./inds.) level analysis, it is found that inds. utilized the 3 msrs. in a consistent manner, suggesting that the msrs. are virtually interchangeable. However, the main exception is with ranking brands: low ranks may simply be a reflection of unfamiliarity rather than poor performance on the attribute. When examining the time taken to administer each technique, however, there are clear benefits in a 'pick-any' approach.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263796
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