haku: @indexterm marketing research / yhteensä: 648
viite: 30 / 648
Tekijä:Nancarrow, C.
Tinson, J.
Webber, R.
Otsikko:Roots marketing: the marketing research opportunity
Lehti:International Journal of Market Research
2006 : VOL. 49:1, p.47-69
Asiasana:marketing research
Vapaa asiasana:country of origin
Tiivistelmä:A growing global marketing opportunity exists for products where the national identity or country of origin can be used as positive sub-branding. Focusing on Scottish migrants and their descendants as a case study, this paper addresses two important questions for marketing researchers: first, how to 'reach' these consumers psychologically and, second, how to 'physically' reach them.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263922
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