haku: @indexterm Geography / yhteensä: 65
viite: 25 / 65
Tekijä:Martin, M. B. G.
Otsikko:Weather, climate and tourism: a geographical perspective
Lehti:Annals of Tourism Research
2005 : JUL, VOL 32:3, p. 571-591
tourist industry
Tiivistelmä:The article explores the relationship between climate, weather and tourism from the point of view of the geography of tourism and climatology. It analyzes the impact that climate has on tourism and recreation. It stresses the need to improve the descriptions normally reported in planning projects and reveals the connections that atmospheric elements have with different aspects of the industry. Specifically, the article considers the effect that climate and weather have on the geographical space, demans, supply and market agents of the tourism industry.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260935
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