haku: @indexterm ADVERSE SELECTION / yhteensä: 65
viite: 13 / 65
Tekijä:Maksimovic, V.
Pichler, P.
Otsikko:Structuring the initial offering: Who to sell to and how to do it
Lehti:Review of finance
2006 : VOL. 10:3, p. 353-387
Asiasana:initial public offerings
decision making
adverse selection
Tiivistelmä:This paper develops a unified model of the issuers decisions taking into account both mechanism design and adverse selection risk, enabling to determine the optimal amount of information (hereafter as: info.) gathering prior to setting the offer price, and to understand causes for underpricing (here as: u-prg.). The key issue for u-prg. control is the flexibility to allocate securities btw. a pool of investors providing pricing-relevant info. and those not providing info. Policies guaranteeing a minimum allocation to investors in the pool result in u-prg. Policies capping the allocations to such investors do not etc.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 265768
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