haku: @indexterm ADVERSE SELECTION / yhteensä: 65
viite: 11 / 65
Tekijä:Netzer, N.
Scheuer, F.
Otsikko:Taxation, insurance, and precautionary labor
Lehti:Journal of Public Economics
2007 : AUG, VOL. 91:7-8, p. 1519-1531
social security
adverse selection
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores optimal taxation and social insurance with adverse selection (here as: adv-sel.) in competitive insurance markets. Among others, it is shown that adv-sel. can weaken the case for social insurance compared to a situation with perfect markets. Whenever social insurance mitigates private underinsurance, it also causes welfare-reducing effects by decreasing precautionary labour supply and hence tax revenue etc.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 265992
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