haku: @indexterm TRAVEL / yhteensä: 652
viite: 89 / 652
Tekijä:Stepchenkova, S.
Morrison, A.M.
Otsikko:Russia's destination image among American pleasure travelers: Revisiting Echtner and Ritchie
Lehti:Tourism Management
2008 : JUN, VOL. 29:3, p. 548-560
Tiivistelmä:This study measured Russia's destination image among US pleasure travelers. The methodology proposed by Echtner and Ritchie was improved by using a combination of two software programs to analyze responses to open-ended questions about stereotypical holistic, affective and uniqueness images and facilitate statistical comparisons of images between visitors and non-visitors to Russia. The results reveal that American travelers' perceptions of Russia were often negative and there is a lack of awareness about Russia's destination features. This article discusses the marketing implications for Russia's Federal Travel Agency based on the study results.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270157
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