haku: @indexterm TRAVEL / yhteensä: 652
viite: 71 / 652
Tekijä:Azzoni, C.R.
Menezes, T.A. de
Otsikko:Cost competitiveness of international destinations
Lehti:Annals of Tourism Research
2009 : OCT, VOL. 36:4, p. 715-722
Tiivistelmä:This study presents a comparative analysis of the costs a tourist from a certain country has to pay to visit other countries. The idea is that, given all other attractiveness factors, a tourist will prefer to visit a country in which his/her expenditure will be lower, in a trip with exactly the same characteristics (here as: chars). Compared are ground costs excluding air ticket prices, and the total cost to visit each country, controlling for the travel package characteristics (here as: t-p-chars). Applying the Country Product Dummy (CPD) method, estimated are multilateral cost indexes both for ground and total costs. In the latter case, estimated is a cost index for each country of origin to different destination countries. In both cases control is made for t-p-chars. The advantage of having multilateral indexes is that the comparison among countries is not affected by changes in the country of reference.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271785
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