haku: @indexterm western europe / yhteensä: 66
viite: 16 / 66
Tekijä:Bosch, G.
Otsikko:Towards a new standard employment relationship in Wester Europe
Lehti:British Journal of Industrial Relations
2004 : DEC, VOL. 42:4, p. 617-636
Asiasana:industrial relations
Western Europe
Vapaa asiasana:employment relationship
Tiivistelmä:The concept of the standard employment relationship (SER) is critically examined here, differentiating between form and substance. The social functions served by the SER and its evolution in Western Europe are explored. Six major causes underpinning changes in the employment relationship are explored and the contours of a new more flexible SER developed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260341
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