haku: @indexterm ECONOMIC FORECASTING / yhteensä: 665
viite: 53 / 665
Tekijä:Wang, Xuekun
Otsikko:The situation of external economy and trade is better and better (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economic Management (c)
1999 : 11, p.15-17
Tiivistelmä:From January 1999-August, 1999, the total amount of import and export of China reached US$220.8 billion, increasing by 7.3% as compared with the same period of last year. Of it, export was US$118.4 billion, import US$102.4 billion, the accumulative total of favorable balance of trade US$16 billion. At the same period, the practical use of foreign capital in China was US$24.75 billion, falling by 9.7%. The major factors influencing the external economy and trade were: the stagnant adjustment of structures of industries and commodities, the relative drop of competitive force of export prices, the high estimation of exchange rate of Reminbi, and the influence of the mobility of international capital.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 206643
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