haku: @indexterm economic forecasting / yhteensä: 665
viite: 12 / 665
Tekijä:Xu, Z.
Otsikko:Purchasing power parity, price indices, and exchange rate forecasts
Lehti:Journal of International Money and Finance
2003 : FEB, VOL. 22:1, p. 105-130
Asiasana:Economic forecasting
Exchange rates
Price indices
Purchasing power parity
Tiivistelmä:The issue of using aggregate price indices for purchasing power parity (PPP) tests and the fitness of PPP as a model for exchange rate forecasting is addressed in this paper. The price index of traded-goods (TPI) appears to be a more appropriate price index for both PPP tests and exchange rate forecasting, when compared with consumer price index (CPI) and wholesale price index (WPI).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 250308
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