haku: @indexterm European Commission / yhteensä: 67
viite: 38 / 67
Tekijä:Lee, G.
Barnett, G.
Otsikko:EC support for tourism in ACP states and regions
Lehti:Tourism Management
1994 : JUN, VOL. 15:3, p. 200-202
Tiivistelmä:This article describes how, in the context of the fourth Lome Convention, European Commission (EC) support for tourism development in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states aims ti maximize the effectiveness of both governments and private firms. An examination of the respective roles of the public and private sectors in developing country tourism is followed by an exposition of the Commission's policy for assistance programmes - matching product development with market requirements and training with operators' needs; encouraging synerfism between the public and private sectors - together with examples of current programmes in the Caribbean, Pacific, Indian Ocean and Africa.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 114950
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