haku: @author Smith, D. / yhteensä: 67
viite: 19 / 67
Tekijä:Smith, D.
Otsikko:Small is beautiful, but difficult: towards cost-effective research for small business
Lehti:Journal of the Market Research Society
1997 : JAN, VOL. 39:1, p. 275-292
Tiivistelmä:In this paper it is argued that the solution to the problem of how to conduct effective research for small businesses lies not just in improved techniques, but also in redefining the market researcher's role. It is argued that market research should become a more integrated part of the business development process. In this way, market research will be better placed to demonstrate to small business clients that effective market research requires a range of higher order investigative and analytical craft skills that are not generally recognised by the wider business community.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 163845
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