haku: @journal_id 839 / yhteensä: 67
viite: 26 / 67
Tekijä:Wang, Hongbin
Otsikko:Acquisition and merger of Chinese enterprises (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Journal of Beijing Institute of Business (c)
1998 : 5, p.28-29
Tiivistelmä:We should draw for reference the western advanced countries' experience in the acquisition and merger of enterprises and take the practical measures for the acquisition and merger of enterprises according to China's national situation. Concretely speaking, we should make enterprises the subject of acquisition and merger under the coordination and support of the government. Besides, we should widen the industries in which the acquisition and merger under the coordination and support of the government. Besides, we should widen the industries in which the acquisition and merger of enterprises will be conducted in order to promote the industrial up grading, change the mode of acquisition and merger and deelop transnational acquisition and merger. We should also attach importance to integration after acquisition and merger and the appraisal of invisible assets
SCIMA tietueen numero: 188935
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