haku: @indexterm LOGISTICS / yhteensä: 674
viite: 45 / 674
Tekijä:Giannoccaro, I.
Pontrandolfo, P.
Scozzi, B.
Otsikko:A fuzzy echelon approach for inventory management in supply chains
Lehti:European Journal of Operational Research
2003 : AUG, VOL. 149:1, p. 185-196
Fuzzy sets
Inventory control
Tiivistelmä:The paper presents a methodology to define a supply chain inventory management policy, which is based on the concept of echelon stock and fuzzy set theory. In particular, the echelon stock concept is adopted to manage the SC inventory in an integrated manner, whereas fuzzy set theory is used to properly model the uncertainty associated with both market demand and inventory costs (e.g. holding and backorder costs). The methodology is applied on a three stage SC so as to show the ease of implementation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 249825
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