haku: @indexterm logistics / yhteensä: 674
viite: 38 / 674
Tekijä:Vlachos, D.
Dekker, R.
Otsikko:Return handling options and order quantities for single period products
Lehti:European Journal of Operational Research
2003 : NOV, VOL. 151:1, p. 38-52
Electronic commerce
Vapaa asiasana:Reverse logistics
Tiivistelmä:Products which are sold through E-commerce or mail sales catalogues tend to have a much higher return rate than traditional products. The returns are especially problematic for seasonal products. To support decision making in these situations the authors study various options, which may be considered as strategic decisions, on handling the increased return flow. Closed form analytic expressions for optimal order quantities are obtained by solving the models developed for each option. Decision making guidelines on choosing between return options and some properties of the optimal solutions are presented. The authors also discuss estimation of the serviceable return rate in practical situations. This paper is an extension of the classical newsboy problem.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254468
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