haku: @indexterm Floating rates / yhteensä: 68
viite: 5 / 68
Tekijä:Bollerslev, T.
Wright, J. H.
Otsikko:Semiparametric estimation of long-memory volatility dependencies: The role of high-frequency data
Lehti:Journal of Econometrics
2000 : SEP, VOL. 98:1, p. 81-106
Asiasana:Econometric models
Stochastic processes
Exchange rates
Floating rates
Monte Carlo technique
Tiivistelmä:The simulations reported in this paper demonstrate that, in contrast to log-periodogram regression estimates for the degree of fractional integration in the mean (where the span of the data is crucially important), the quality of the inference concerning long-memory dependencies in the conditional variance is intimately related to the sampling frequency of the dta. The theoretical findings are illustrated in this study through the analysis of a ten-year time series consisting of more than half-a-million intradaily observations on the Japanese Yen-U.S. Dollar exchange rate.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 214479
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