haku: @indexterm bulgaria / yhteensä: 68
viite: 19 / 68
Tekijä:Dobrinsky, R.
Otsikko:Fiscal Policy Under a Currency Board Arrangement
Lehti:Russian and East European Finance and Trade
2001 : MAR-APR, VOL. 37:2, p. 36-77
Tiivistelmä:This paper considers Bulgaria's post-crisis policy dilemmas. This paper analyses some of the policy issues related to the introduction of the CBA in Bulgaria, in the context of recent economic performance. It focuses on the conduct of fiscal policy (which, in principle, is the only policy instrument at the disposal of authorities, as the CBA precludes an independent monetary policy), and addresses some of the challenges faced by fiscal policy since the introduction of the CBA. The paper provides a number of graphs, charts and tables on this subject.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 228391
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