haku: @indexterm HIGH TECHNOLOGY / yhteensä: 696
viite: 74 / 696
Tekijä:Neelankavil, J.P.
Alaganar, V.T.
Otsikko:Strategic resource commitment of high-technology firms: an international comparison
Lehti:Journal of Business Research
2003 : JUN, VOL. 56:6, p. 493-502
Asiasana:Capital expenditure
Country comparisons
High technology
Tiivistelmä:The dynamics of three strategic variables are investigated across three countries in the high-technology sector. The investigated variables are research and development (R&D) expenditure, capital expenditure (CPX), and sales and administrative (S&A) expenditure and the three countries are USA, Japan and United Kingdom. The contemporaneous responsiveness of each of the three strategic variables are estimated in response to changes in revenues across the three countries.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253315
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