haku: @author Wilhelm, W. E. / yhteensä: 7
viite: 3 / 7
Tekijä:Chen, J. F.
Wilhelm, W. E.
Otsikko:An evaluation of heuristics for allocating components to kits in small lot, multi-echelon assembly systems (Heuristische Methode; Materialplanung; Montage; Montageplanung)
Lehti:International Journal of Production Research
1993 : DEC, VOL. 31:12, p. 2835-2856
Tiivistelmä:The kitting problem in multi-echelon assembly systems is to allocate on-hand stock and anticipated future deliveries to kits to minimize total cost, consisting of job earliness, job tardiness, and in-process holding costs. This paper describes the kitting problem and compares the performance of 3 heuristics to resolve it. Solutions will facilitate time managed flow control prescribing kitting decisions that promote cost effective performance to schedule.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 125268
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