haku: @freeterm Intelligent agents / yhteensä: 7
viite: 6 / 7
Tekijä:Liang, T-P.
Huang, J-S.
Otsikko:A framework for applying intelligent agents to support electronic trading
Lehti:Decision Support Systems
2000 : JUN, VOL. 28:4, p. 305-317
Asiasana:Electronic commerce
Vapaa asiasana:e-commerce
Intelligent agents
Tiivistelmä:The purpose of this paper is to study how Intelligent Agents (IAs) can be used to facilitate electronic trading. An IA is a software program designed for performing specific task based on its own knowledge and the message it received. Many IAs are useful to make electronic markets more effective. In this paper, activities and structures of electronic markets are reviewed and discussed with respect to the coordination mechanism and primitive activities. This is followed by an analysis of IAs useful for electronic commerce (EC). A 3-layer architecture for organizing IAs for EC is developed etc.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 211196
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