haku: @author Freeman, R. / yhteensä: 7
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Tekijä:Freeman, R.
Kleiner, M.
Otsikko:Who benefits most from employee involvement: firms or workers?
Lehti:American Economic Review
2000 : MAY, VOL. 90:2, p. 219-223
Tiivistelmä:Employee involvement (EI) programs are the leading-edge form of personnel and labor relations in the United States. While many managers believe that these programs raise productivity and profits, the statistical evidence that EI improves the performance of firms is equivocal. The coefficients on measures of EI in production functions are usually positive but often insignificant or small. A detailed case study of EI has further confirmed these small effects that were found in large data sets.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 214977
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