haku: @author Demirag, I. / yhteensä: 7
viite: 2 / 7
Tekijä:Demirag, I.
Sudarsanam, S.
Wright, M.
Otsikko:Corporate Governance: Overview and Research Agenda
Lehti:British Accounting Review
2000 : DEC, VOL. 32:4, p. 341-354
Tiivistelmä:First, the authors examine the effects of extant policy prescriptions. Second, the authors analyse the prospects for future policy developments regarding the regulation of corporate governance. Third, the authors consider the need for policy development to be informed by an appreciation of the objectives of corporate governance, the range of governance mechanisms available, and the interactions between these objectives and mechanisms. This paper summarizes the contribution of the five papers in this special issue in the context of these themes. The authors conclude by offering some suggestions for further research based on these papers and related literature. Clearly, as th corporate governance debate covers a vast arena, this collection of papers focuses only on a subset of the issues.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 225728
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