haku: @freeterm START-UPS / yhteensä: 7
viite: 7 / 7
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Tekijä:Hellmann, T.
Puri, M.
Otsikko:Venture capital and the professionalization of start-up firms: empirical evidence
Lehti:Journal of Finance
2002 : FEB, VOL. 57:1, p. 169-197
Vapaa asiasana:START-UPS
Tiivistelmä:This paper examines the impact venture capital can have on the development of new firms. Using a hand-collected data set on Silicon Valley start-ups, the authors find that venture capital is related to a variety of professionalization measures, such as human resource policies, the adoption of stock option plans, and the hiring of a marketing VP.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 233585
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