haku: @author Smith, S. D. / yhteensä: 7
viite: 2 / 7
Tekijä:Smith, S. D.
Otsikko:Merchants and planters revisited
Lehti:Economic History Review
2002 : AUG, VOL. 55:3, p. 434-465
Tiivistelmä:This article's principal source is a database of loans granted by the West India merchant Henry Lascelles between 1723 and his death in 1753, both on his own account and in partnership with George Maxwell and his own son Daniel Lascelles. The data consist of 78 loans with a total value of F226,772. Long-term lending is compared with short-term credit extension to planters on current account. In addition to investigating the ontogeny of debt hypothesis and the popularity of mortgages, the data will also be used to investigate other influences on overseas lending to the colonies. Chief among these is the interest rate 'gap' model deployed by both Pares and Sheridan, among others, to analyse the effect of warfare on credit extension.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 241739
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