haku: @indexterm CONTINGENCY THEORY / yhteensä: 70
viite: 41 / 70
Tekijä:McConnell, K. E.
Strand, I. E.
Valdés, S.
Otsikko:Testing temporal reliability and carry-over effect: the role of correlated responses in test-retest reliability studies.
Lehti:Environmental and Resource Economics
1998 : OCT, VOL. 12:3, p. 357-374
Asiasana:Contingency theory
Test statistics
Tiivistelmä:The authors develop a model that tests the influence of heteregenous preferences and previous responses. By estimating a model of sportfishing, they show that correlation between answers to a CV question is induced by heterogeneous preferences.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 184008
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