haku: @indexterm field research / yhteensä: 71
viite: 22 / 71
Tekijä:Kleingeld, A.
Tuijl, H. van
Algera, J. A.
Otsikko:Participation in the design of performance management systems: a quasi-experimental field study
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2004 : NOV, VOL. 25:7, p. 831-851
Performance management
Field research
Tiivistelmä:This article argues that in organizational settings participation that is formal, long term, and includes high participant influence is more effective than a tell-and-sell strategy. In this study a proMES performance management system was tested on a Dutch supplier of photocopies. The results show that the average performance increase was higher in the participation condition than in the tell-and-sell condition. Also the feedback was considered more useful, and satisfaction with the program was higher in the first condition.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257176
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