haku: @journal_id 1091 / yhteensä: 715
viite: 13 / 715
Tekijä:Ribnikar, I.
Otsikko:Financial repression, financial deepening...
Lehti:Bancni vestnik
1996 : VOL. 45:4, p. 48-50
Vapaa asiasana:terminology, economy, level of economic
development, finance, underdevelopment,
quantitative analysis, coefficients
Tiivistelmä:Financial repression, financial deepening, shallow finance, lagging economy, financial liberalization are terms that have been in use since R.I.McKinnon and E.S. Shaw introduced them in 1973.Although empirically cannot be taken as grant-3ΓΌ that financial deepening as a consequence of financial liberalization will foster development, financial deepening is obviously taking place in Slovenia and in other transitional economies as well.So the terms that were until few years ago of no significance for us are becoming important.But there are caveats - not concerning the terms but pursuing financial liberalization according to philosophy: more the better.A huge amount of financial assets are waiting to be put on the financial market.A bit less of financial liberalization now may be conductive to financial development in the future.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 151617
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