haku: @indexterm ETHNIC GROUPS / yhteensä: 72
viite: 22 / 72
Tekijä:Singh, N. (et al.)
Otsikko:Culturally customizing websites for U.S. Hispanic online consumers
Lehti:Journal of Advertising Research
2008 : JUN, VOL. 48:2, p. 224-234
Asiasana:electronic commerce
ethnic groups
Vapaa asiasana:hispanic
Tiivistelmä:The paper surveys different frameworks to help marketers culturally customize websites for U.S Hispanics who prefer culturally adapted marketing messages. The aims are to identify ways in which Hispanic preferences for web design elements differ, and to explore how these preferences vary based on acculturation. The review consist of three steps: literature review of Hispanic cultural values, analysis of how these cultural values could be depicted on websites and to adapt the framework to online Hispanic consumers. Two different ANOVA analyses were used in the statistical analyses. The results indicate that when communicating with Hispanics who are either only weakly acculturated, or who have a strong sense of Hispanic/ Latino identification, it may be more effective for web marketers to emphasize certain culturally relevant elements.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268215
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