haku: @indexterm INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING / yhteensä: 75
viite: 52 / 75
Tekijä:Rahman, A.
Perera, H.
Ganeshanandam, S.
Otsikko:Measurement of formal harmonisation in accounting : an exploratory study
Lehti:Accounting and Business Research
1996 : AUTUMN, VOL. 26:4, p. 325-339
Tiivistelmä:Extant re7search in evaluation of accounting harmonisation has mainly focused on measurement of harmonisation and evaluation of its impact on share market indicators. Within these themes, however, researchers have been studying the impact of formal harmonisation on material harmonisation, and share prices and returns. Given the important role formal harmonisation plays in accounting harmonisation, this study introduces a methodology for the measurement of formal accounting harmony between countries. The methodology introduced in this paper can be used to identify areas of harmony or disharmony for policy-making purposes. It also provides means of gaining valuable insights into the nature of harmony or disharmony between different countries' accounting rules.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 155080
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