haku: @indexterm effectiveness / yhteensä: 756
viite: 82 / 756
Tekijä:Figge, F.
Hahn, T.
Otsikko:Sustainable Value Added - measuring corporate contributions to sustainability beyond eco-efficiency
Lehti:Ecological Economics
2004 : FEB, VOL. 48:2, p. 173-187
Performance appraisal
Sustainable development
Tiivistelmä:This article presents a new approach for measuring corporate contributions to sustainability: Sustainable Value Added (hereafter as: SVA). SVA measures whether a company creates extra value when the overall level of environmental and social impacts is kept constant. SVA is based on opportunity costs and takes into account both, the corporate eco- and social efficiency and the absolute effectiveness of resource use.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257750
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